About me
I was born in 1956. Both parents were classical musicians. You could say that I learned that hard cultural work puts the food on the table.
All my life, since early childhood up to this day, I’ve seen myself as some kind of bridge between different realities. In childhood, an urge to personalize nature, to give a soul to trees, horses, mountains, houses, and so forth. In adulthood, I have tried to understand what Quantum mechanics is all about. That, combined with trying to be up to date on Astronomy and Cosmology, has given me an unbroken experience of life from childhood to present day. For example, the question: why are two entangled particles connected outside Space and Time? Entangled particles are as much a mystery as a miracle, and it is my belief that we have just scratched the surface of the Apple of knowledge.
In my artistic work, painting in oil as well as in my poetry, my ambition is to build "bridges" between our everyday reality and the mystery and miracle that we actually live within.
I am aware that this "job description" would fit any Shaman for the last 20,000 years, and that he or she gladly would put their thumbprint on it. When it comes to religious and metaphysical experiences, I choose to have no opinion. That empathy and love have a given place in our universe is a fact, a miracle in the physical world.
I believe that physical reality is far more amazing than any "man-made" idea. "You’ve seen nothing yet," as someone once said.
My ambition in my paintings and poetry is to try to catch a glimpse of the miracle our physical reality is.